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Private Pilot Flight Training and Instruction

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Statistics on General Aviation Accidents

  1. 51% of pilots were between 40-49
  2. 71% were private pilots
  3. 52% had below 500 hours
  4. 46% had less than 100 hrs in type
  5. 77% were not IFR rated
  6. 57% less than 20 hrs IFR instruction
  7. 55% got weather briefing
  8. 80% not on flight plan
  9. 83% were single engine
  10. 62% owned airplane
  11. 75% flying for personal reasons
  12. 62% in cruise phase of flight
  13. 61% crashed in fog
  14. 75% were killed
  15. 72% of aircraft were IFR equipped
  16. 97% of accidents were pilot error
  17. 42% of accidents were caused by misuse of weather data
  18. 40% of pilots had no weather briefing
  19. 30% of accidents caused by pilots mishandling aircraft
  20. 14% of accidents related to poor judgment, planning or decision-making
  21. 35% of VFR into IFR occur at night
  22. 11% of people in VFR to IFR conditions survive accident
  23. 50% of fatal accidents were by pilots who had over 500 hours.
  24. 80% are caused by pilot error:
  25. 20% of the 80% are caused by low level flight (16%)
  26. 20% of the 80% are caused by flight into weather (16%)
  27. 20% of the 80% happen in airport vicinity (5 miles 3000')(16%)

1989-1993 in the USA

  1. Highway Accidents.... 228,000
  2. Murders.................... 120,000
  3. Home Accidents ..........105,000
  4. falls............................. 62,000
  5. Job accidents.............. 47,000
  6. Pedestrians Killed ........33,500
  7. Poisonings ..................26,000
  8. Drownings ..................23,000
  9. Fires ............................21,000 (90% caused by cigarettes)
  10. Ingesting Food? ..........15,000
  11. Boating Accidents........ 4,600
  12. Bicycle Accidents......... 4,000
  13. Railroad crossing ..........3,000
  14. Animal vehicles ...............400
  15. Major Airline Accidents ...265
  16. Commuter Line Accidents 132

Written by Gene Whitt

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