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Hangar Flying
Calling all pilots, old and new. Do you like to sit around the hanger and talk of your flying adventures? I am accepting submissions for a Hanger Flying section of 4VFR.COM

What is required?
Any story, any place, any time, as long as it has something to do with flight. I am looking for personal experiences more than hand-me-down stories. the purpose of this section is to provide entertainment, education, and inspiration from real world pilots, for the next generation of flyers.

If you have knowledge you would like to pass along, you can submit your story to chris@4vfr.com. Make sure to include your name and contact information so I can credit the story to you. I can accept word document attachments, text files, or just included in the email text. Please tell me a bit about your flying history as well (hours logged, when you started, etc.)

Stories will be converted to a web format and posted at the 4VFR.COM website, under "Hangar Flying". I will publish the section after I have enough content to make it interesting.