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Daily Log Book

logbook March 27th 2002
Added in a bunch of new Kudos from students. Also working on a new bigger badder figure option for the exam. Been pretty busy with my day j-o-b in the last month. Its great that the site almost maintains itself at this point!
March 5th 2002
Linked the random article links to the home page. There are over 500 different articles to be added to the site. there IS a complete listing of articles, but its not yet available for public viewing.
March 1st 2002
Setup a random kudos quote generator, and web based tools for management of this system. also installed a exam tracker, that keeps track of all exams taken by date, time, and score. this will be used for statistics. Lots of great feedback on the new enhanced exam. Its stable for the most part. Time to switch gears back to more site content!

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